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Funding and Rebates

Accessing quality speech therapy services can be a significant investment for families. We've made our services as accessible and affordable as possible.


Outside The Box Therapy Services is registered with Medicare for clients who have Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan- formerly known as Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan.  With this plan, your child may be eligible for a Medicare rebate of up to 5 sessions per calendar year. A gap fee will apply and is something that you pay on the day of your appointment.

To determine your child’s eligibility for this rebate, please consult your GP prior to your child’s initial speech pathology assessment.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan (ATSI Health Plan)

If your child is Indigenous, they may be able to access another source of Medicare funding. Similar to a CDM plan, your child may be eligible for a Medicare rebate of up to 5 sessions per calendar year (in addition to those provided under a CDM plan). A gap fee will apply and is something that you pay on the day of your appointment.

Similar to the CDM plan, to determine your child’s eligibility for this rebate, please consult your GP prior to your child’s initial Speech Pathology Assessment.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Outside The Box Therapy Services offer services to clients whose NDIS plan is self-managed or plan managed. We are not a registered NDIS provider.

Private Health Funds

If you have private health insurance, you may be able to claim a rebate. Rebates vary between different health funds. It is best for parents/carers to confirm with their own health fund to determine how much speech pathology cover you have prior to making your appointment. We are unable to process private health fund rebates through HICAPS and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please note: We are unable to process private health fund rebates through HICAPS and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.